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How to Stop a Cat From Shedding

What Is A Slicker Brush?

How To Clean A Dog Bed
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How To Clean A Dog Bed
Why is important to keep the dog’s bed clean? How to clean a dog bed? We have everything you need here, from the products you’ll require to top cleaning tips

Do German Shepherds Shed?
Do German Shepherds Shed? Yes. This is a heavy shedding dog breed that blows its coat twice a year and steadily sheds its topcoat throughout. Shedding can be managed, don’t let it put you off

How Much Do Maltese Shed?
Do Maltese shed? Yes, but they won’t leave your home covered in hair, far from it in fact. Read more here about the Maltese, and how to manage its shedding habits

How Much Do Pomeranians Shed?
Do Pomeranians shed a lot? Here we take a deep dive into Pom shedding behavior, and how much hair you’ll need to clean if you get a Pomeranian as your next dog
A Guide On How To Use The EzLint
You love your pets. But do you love cleaning-up after them? We’re willing to bet that you’d rather spend your time playing with your dog than peeling his fur off of your furniture. You need something that will work quickly, clean thoroughly, and fit comfortably into your busy lifestyle. Our solution? The EzLint.
Is Halloween Dangerous for Cats and Dogs?
Halloween can be hard on dogs and cats. Check out this guide for our tips on making Halloween less spooky for your pets.
What Food Can Your Pet Have At Thanksgiving?
Offering your dog or cat part of your Thanksgiving feast may sound like a lot of fun, but there are some options that should stay off the menu. What Thanksgiving foods can dogs eat? Can cats eat cooked turkey? Read our top tips for a pet-friendly Thanksgiving.
The Keys to the Best Pet Deals on Black Friday
It’s no secret that Black Friday is one of the busiest shopping days of the year. Just about every business you can think of runs Black Friday deals, as well as Cyber Monday, and many of them will even extend their sales into the rest of the week. It’s a time of year where people plan their holiday shopping, and try to nab great deals on their essentials. Take a look at our best shopping tips for Black Friday deals for pets, and don’t forget to check out our own shop for awesome holiday deals.
What Should My Pet Be for Halloween?
With Halloween right around the corner, many pet lovers find themselves at a loss for costume ideas. Read on for our best tips this Halloween.
Luna the Tortoiseshell Cat
“Luna is the sweetest cat ever. The day we met her, she climbed into our laps immediately and purred louder than any cat I’ve ever met. We had to take her home.”
What’s it Like Owning a Husky?
We asked the owner of PetLovers®, Kyle Binder, to answer some of our FAQs about Huskies.
Dogs and Peanut Butter
We’re here to answer your burning question once and for all: can dogs eat peanut butter?
Can Cats Drink Milk Safely?
If you’ve ever watched a cartoon or read a children’s book from decades past, you’ve probably seen a cat drinking milk or cream. Kittens, in particular, have often been paired with a saucer of milk as their main meal. But can cats actually drink milk?
Tips on Introducing Cats and Dogs
Whether you already have one pet and are considering adopting another, or you’re adopting two pets at once, knowing how to safely introduce two animals to each other is a critical first step toward your new family.