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Do Shiba Inus Shed?

Shiba inu shed

Understanding what level of shedding you should expect is important because loose dog hair around the home can be problematic. Some dogs don’t shed much at all, others can shed excessively but what about the Shiba Inu? How much do Shiba Inus shed? We can’t get around the fact that this is a moderate to heavy shedding dog, which will need a lot of cleaning up after. Below we will cover the specifics.

Do Shiba Inus Shed A Lot?

The Shiba Inu, often called a ‘Brushwood Dog’ is a Japanese mountain dog that was bred mainly for hunting. This breed is considered medium-sized, although there are some small dog varieties and mixed breeds.

Shiba Inus have become more commonly known in recent years, thanks to a crypto token bearing their name. With the husky-like face being seen so much, many have sought to learn more about the breed and there are more Shiba owners than ever before.

If you are looking for hypoallergenic breeds then a Shibu Inu is not the right option. These dogs shed heavily, and they do so all year round. Twice a year the dog will also blow its coat, resulting in even more fur coming from the dog’s body.

When Do Shiba Inus Shed?

Unfortunately for Shiba Inu owners, this is a dog that will shed moderately throughout the year. Not only this but during shedding season, the Shiba Inu’s coat will fall excessively.

Coat-blowing season happens towards the end of spring and towards the end of fall. During this time, double-coated dogs shed the lower layer of their coat. The Shiba has a thin, dense layer of fur on its undercoat and a thicker layer of hair on top.

As the winter months approach, the Shiba Inu will commence blowing coat fur, beginning the process of regrowing a thick, protective coat for winter.

This process is almost identical come springtime, as the Shiba Inu begins another round of excessive shedding, ahead of a warm summer. The difference this time is that the new coat will be much lighter, ensuring protection from the sun’s rays, and body temperature control.

During shedding season, owners need to be very active when grooming the dog and cleaning the home. If they are not, loose hair will cover the home.

Why Do Shiba Inus Shed?

Shiba Shedding

All breeds with double coats have this type of shedding behavior. Shiba Inus shed in this way, because of how they evolved. Hunting up in the Japanese mountains would see them endure a range of climates over the year.

Blowing coat hair is nature’s way of making sure that this dog breed is fully protected all year long.

When Shiba Inus shed moderately through the year, this is the same as almost all other breeds. This process helps dogs to maintain a healthy coat, by getting rid of dead hair, to encourage the growth of stronger hair. Ultimately this is about protecting the dog’s body and it is perfectly normal.

Reducing Shiba Inus Shedding Tips

Anyone who has owned a Shiba Inu will tell you, it is important that you do everything in your power to minimize shedding and reduce loose fur around the home.

Shiba Inu grooming is a great way for you to contain the volume of loose fur around the home. This can help to reduce shedding throughout the year, but it won’t have the same impact during the shedding season.

We’ll talk a little later about how to go about grooming a Shiba Inu’s fur, to help the process along a little.


All dog breeds have a clear connection between their well-being and the amount of shedding owners will see. Simply put, an unhealthy dog will see an increase in shedding as a result.

Coat health is inextricably linked to general health, and owners must recognize this. If you notice heavy shedding and don’t know why, taking your dog to the local veterinarian is a wise move.

Health conditions such as diabetes, liver, and kidney disease, and even pet allergies, can cause your pooch to lose a lot of fur.

Diet & Nutrition

Do Shiba Inus shed

Central to your dog’s general well-being is a healthy diet, with each breed having slightly different dietary requirements.

Almost all experts agree that a raw food diet is the best option for a Shiba Inu. Kibble should be avoided given the high carbohydrate content in it. Dogs can digest carbs, but they have no real dietary need for them.

To ensure that your Shiba’s coat looks great and keep it in good health, aim for a high-quality, balanced raw food diet. This should be packed with protein from sources like meat and bone. Fish is a great choice too, which has fatty acids and oils such as Omega-3 that are both great for your Shiba Inu.

As your dog ages, look to include vitamin supplements to help with its joints, and to maintain a soft undercoat in its later years.


Given that they are medium-sized or smaller a Shiba Inu only needs around an hour a day of exercise – but they’ll welcome more.

The reason that dogs need exercise, beyond staying in shape, is down to their stress levels. Running around reduces anxiety and stress build-up. Excessive shedding is something often seen in dogs that aren’t given enough exercise.

When heavily shedding Shiba Inu dogs will also get rid of loose hair when they run around, making the owner’s life that little bit easier. During shedding season you can quite literally see the excess fur fall as they run.

Owners should take care of at least one hour of exercise with their Shiba Inu. During the day the dog will also burn calories as they run and cavort around the home.


With many dog breeds, you would be looking at bathing them once every month or two, but this is not the case with a Shiba Inu. One or two baths per year would be enough.

These are very clean dogs with natural oils that keep the skin healthy. The dog’s coat remains clean with the Shiba Inu’s own grooming routine. Additionally, Shiba shedding means that it is constantly getting rid of dead and dirty guard hairs.

If the dog gets particularly dirty when out and about, you can give it a hose down, or use fur cleaning tools. Unless there has been a lot of time since the pooch’s last bath, don’t wash it or use any dog shampoo. As this can upset the balance of those natural oils.

When washing the dog, human shampoo or products mustn’t be used. These have chemicals that can cause irritated skin and may even lead to an increase in the amount that the Shiba Inu sheds. This is the last thing that any owner needs.

Managing Shiba Inu Shedding

Shiba Inu shedding

Given the volume of dog hair owners will find at home, it is well worth having a good system in place to manage it all. Restricting access to certain areas of the home is a great place to start. This can be done with training or with gates that section off the home.

These are soft and cuddly dogs, but if you start letting them up on the sofa or the bed, you and your possessions will be covered in loose hair.

Twice a year it may also be a good idea to keep the dog outside for longer periods if possible. Not only will this reduce the amount of hair in the house, but the elements will also help to blow coat hairs off.

Those who own Shiba Inus cannot completely prevent hairs from getting on the sofa or their clothes. The last thing that anyone wants is to head out with clothing covered in pet hair. This is why owners should invest in a pet lint roller.

These products use a sticky adhesive to lift any loose hairs from soft surfaces. They can be used on furniture and are great at removing hair from clothes. Make sure that you keep one by your front door so that you can clean up before you head out.

Another handy tool to keep around the house is a pet hair remover tool. This gadget is so simple in its design, yet incredibly efficient in removing pet hair. This product is lightweight, low-cost, and works well on soft sofas, seats, smooth fabric, and cushions. Pick up a couple of these and place them in different areas of the home.

And finally, you’ll need the right vacuum cleaner. Aim to purchase one with a HEPA filter, as they are generally the best for scooping up pet hair, dead skin, and dander.

Once you’ve got the right tools for the job, the key is consistency. Try to make time each evening to clean up the pet hair, to prevent it from building up.

Shiba Inus Grooming Tips

Brushing every couple of days is enough to keep this dog well-groomed, and it is also helpful for owners. During spring and fall, however, owners can expect to double the shedding, making daily brushing sessions a must.

Tools You’ll Need

  • Slicker brush
  • De-shedding brush
  • Vacuum Cleaner

What To Do

A slicker brush is a better option than a pin brush for the Shiba, as it is better for dealing with the thicker double coat. Start brushing from the dog’s head, brushing backward towards its hind legs.

A de-shedding brush is best used during shedding season, as it helps to pull all of the loose, dead hair away. Take it slowly when you are brushing, to avoid damaging the dog’s skin when pulling hair.

Shibas don’t need a haircut, although you could trim around the eyes if the hair has grown rapidly. Use a blow dryer to finish with, before getting the vacuum out to pick up all of the hair that is left behind.

It is also a good idea to trim the dog’s nails, as they can cause mobility issues if they grow too long. Regular brushing is something that most owners can take care of, but by all means, use a professional groomer if in doubt about cutting nails and hair on your own.


Shiba Inus are full of life, they love to belong to a family and they are also hygienic, intelligent, and fun-loving dogs. If you are on the lookout for a dog that doesn’t shed a lot, however, this is not the best option. Given the high-maintenance nature of this breed, they aren’t considered a good option for those who haven’t owned a dog before.


Do Shiba Inus like to cuddle?

These dogs are pretty independent and whilst they won’t resist a cuddle, they won’t come looking for it.

Are Shiba Inus hypoallergenic?

Double-coated breeds like Shibas are not hypoallergenic. There is simply too much fur loss throughout the year. As the double coat blows, your home will be filled with hair and dander, which affect those who suffer from allergies.


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